Have you considered homeschooling your children but are feeling overwhelmed with all the options?

I can help you design and implement a unique learning environment and plan for your family.

Homeschooling can provide a superior, holistic, and individualized education

  • Home education caters for a child’s individual needs, learning styles and potential

  • Family and community centered education provides healthy socialization

  • Allowing time for curiosity and imagination to thrive helps a child to love learning

  • Each family can choose their own priorities to encourage critical thinking, social awareness and practical life skills

  • Home educated children are well prepared to be accepted to colleges or to pursue other career paths 


“It would have been a very intimidating time if Linda hadn’t been there for us; to support, encourage, and guide us through curriculum options and the family issues we faced.”

- Shannon

Homeschool Coaching:

Individualized and holistic home-education for your family

  • Mentoring for successful homeschooling 

  • Adding value to Virtual or Charter School options

  • Resources, curriculum options, routines and regulations

  • Individualized plans for your family

For inspiration and insight into the realities of homeschool life,

Check out Linda’s Blog

Home-Education Consultation


Initial Consultation Fee - $65

Includes a questionnaire and a one hour discussion to help you understand what home education approaches will work best for your children, and your family situation.

Ongoing Support available by arrangement.